You are here: Administrators Reference > Exporting and Importing Objects > Import Overview > Import - Step 2 of 2

Import - Step 2 of 2

The dialogs for importing a Custom Element, Metadata form, or a Custom Field are similar. The Import (object type) - Step 2 of 2 dialog identifies all required and optional items included in the object archive, checks for required resources with options for completing, canceling, or editing the import, and displays validation or error information.

The dialog displays the following three sections:

Resource Assigments

CommonSpot checks and detects any resources required by imported objects and displays them for your review and mapping. If no resource dependencies are detected, this section of the dialog does not display. See Resources and Libaries for more information on how to manage resources in CommonSpot.

The detected resources are listed in a scrollable grid with the following columns:



This section displays any warnings. For example, if the packet being imported is already associated with a previously imported object.

If no warnings exist, this section is not displayed. See Export Errors.

Packet information

For all imports, this dialog displays the following for your review or verification:

Note: If you are importing a custom element that includes custom field types or render handlers housed within the Application Development Framework (ADF), CommonSpot checks to see if the ADF is installed and stops the import if it does not find it. If you are using the ADF, check that both your ColdFusion mapping (/ADF), web server mapping (/ADF), and the ADF directory are named ADF (all caps).

Click Prev to return to Step 1 or Cancel to exit without importing. Click Import to complete the import operation. CommonSpot automatically installs the new object on your site.


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